College transfer essay
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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Revolt of the masses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Revolt of the majority - Essay Example As indicated by the Revolt of the Masses by Jose Ortega the majority has been portrayed in itemized to mean a large number that is considered through the numbers. He represents the majority as an assortment of numbers that are discriminative against the minority. He portrays on another sociological request that he alluded to as the majority, which he additionally says is definitely not an only a customary individual and isn't related with a specific station or class. The depiction he provides for the majority is that they are those individuals who are results of authentic advancement of the European countries, the individuals who were conceived without precedent for Europe.According to the portrayal of Ortega to the majority isn't agreeable as he portrays them as the individuals who can't be portrayed by any discipline.The depiction Ortega provides for the majority is that they forces no quality that can be identified with greatness and as he gets from Goethe, he depicts them as â₠¬Ëœto live however one sees fit plebian’.He resources that the mass man requests more than what is assume to be concurred to them and have an inclination that it is their entitlement to have it when just a century ago,a gathering of individuals considered minority looked at that as a benefit. The commitment of Ortega for this situation shows that he inferred that the nineteenths century gave grounds to the advancement of an interesting part that would establishes a prevailing social power come the twentieth century.This he said was not going to be a conductor for the improvement of privileged culture that had been the way of life for a number the whole thousand years. Who are the minorities? As opposed to the majority, Ortega had an alternate thought for the minorities whom he portrayed as those with capabilities not at all like the majority whom he considered not to be qualified. Ortega believes the minorities to be the most dynamic individuals in the general public and who tries to make soundness in the manner socio-policy centered issues are overseen. While the majority are uninformed about what they should interest for, the minorities consider those that are requested by the majority to be benefits (Gasset 111). The minorities are aware of a lot of things in the cultural set up and are seen to be dynamic in their dealings, which is unadulterated in opposition to the majority. The minority are viewed as better that the majority since they are increasingly qualified, they utilize their capability to defend issues and are engaged with rising above the way of life of despotism and tyranny. The minority have committed their endeavors to guarantee that there is ne request in the general public that takes into account equity for every one of the, a framework that will give a level field to managing all individuals unessential of the cultural status. These characteristics were portrayed by Ortega and chose to consider the minority as the most favored indivi duals against the majority that is by all accounts careful about themselves. End and appraisal of Ortega’s View A cautious read of Ortega’s writing would give one a feeling of comprehension of what the mass man is, Ortega portrays the mass man as one who is egotistical and don't have a sentiment of the rest, they would prefer not to acknowledges other culture or see them flourish and proficient on anything. They are discriminative on everything the minority does; a traditional model that can be connected for this situation is the nearness of the Jews in Germany, the Jews were viewed as the minorities in and confronted the most severe separation on the planet. Under the authority of Adolf Hitler who likewise was a resolute Nazi supporter, a large portion of the Jews in Germany were oppressed in millions and one occurrence that can be cited for this situation is the holocaust rate in which million of the individuals were slaughtered. Ortega’s sees in the Revolt of the Masses plainly clarified the hostility propensity of the majority towards the minority. Ortega clarification of the majority was later showed in Europe when the minorities were oppressed,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spirits And The Supernatural I Essay Research free essay sample
Mixers And The Supernatural I Essay, Research Paper The Idea of Spirits and the Supernatural You will no vulnerability notice that shades and mixers play a rather huge capacity in Hamlet. Not just as an oft utilized character, yet close to as a head balance for the plotline, and one of the cardinal indicants of Hamlet s lunacy. His dead male parent s soul remains on our human plane to explain how he did to Hamlet. The idea in the dramatization is that the shade is truly at that place, rather than being a minor fantasy of Hamlet s inventiveness. What was the balance for Shakespeare to use the shade in the main topographic point? The idea of otherworldly presences was non new in Shakespeare s cut. It has been around since the morning of clasp, because of grown-up male s invariable captured advancement on that which he can non see or explain. We will compose a custom exposition test on Spirits And The Supernatural I Essay Research or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Be that as it may, contemplations environing conceals appeared to secure increasingly genuine in the Middle Ages, because of the ascent of numerous new and various religions. Basically the confidence in every individual holding their ain soul may hold been bounty for some individuals to see these shades. In any case, even with the wide happenings of these dreams, and the effectiveness of conveying individual that you had seen one, there was ( back along these lines, each piece much as there is today ) your acclaimed favored first class. The supposed illuminated individuals, who knew not to put stock in such ludicrous undertakings. They considered the individuals who believed to be bad tempered. The general thought Pr ocess was that many work powers do despondently convey themselves that they see or hear conceals. On the off chance that you had seen a shade, you had more then likely experienced something that had caused significant melancholiac or furious feelings. The consistent reasoning was that your encephalon, to offset, shaped a dream of something to make with those feelings. Another record was that the expire of individual darling to you could do you to see that person in soul. In the event that this occurred, you were thought to hold incomplete worry with that conceal ( which is dry, as the individual seeing that shade would almost certainly accept that the shade had some incomplete worry with them ) . These were the official elitist positions on conceals. What one may take into setting, in any case, is that the vast majority in the Elizabethan age were rather uneducated, and the edified individuals were rare. This indicates to the general thickly settled having faith in the mysterious. Today, with building, and in this manner what is existent ( world ) , flooding, and with confidence s simple reducing Numberss, there is no place near as much faith in the otherworldly ( in the Western universe, in any event ) . We are increasingly taught overall, and discover unquestionably more about the universe than our ancestors. As an outcome of their inadequacy of guidance, their insufficiency of capacity to elucidate numerous things about the universe, and their religions, the vast majority had confidence in mixers and the extraordinary during Elizabethan occasions.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The West Exploiting an Empire Essay Sample free essay sample
After the Civil War. Americans. who accepted extension was their â€Å"manifest destiny. †started bridging the landmass. curbing the Native Americans through arranged offices. making a North American imperium for regular stuff to fuel factories. Western monetary frameworks need the Fed Govt Past THE FRONTIERPrior to the Civil War. the March of White province delayed at the outskirt of the semiarid Great Plains. a section burned by tourist currents and unnecessarily little downpour for broadened agribusiness in summers and slammed by blizzards and hailstorms in the winter. which introduced a temporary check. like the Rockies. to more distant movement. It was considered West MS stream was dreadful. otherwise known as the Great Amer. Desert. Concealment THE NATIVE AMERICANSAt the common war. ? million Native Americans lived in the West. Since they were viewed as an additional impediment to more remote White relocation. the Native Americans were pushed from their properties and compelled to fundamentally adjust their civic establishments by the terminal of the century. We will compose a custom exposition test on The West: Exploiting an Empire Essay Sample or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page By the 1870’s. the vast majority of the people had were decimated or beaten into passage. Life of the Plains Indians2/3 Natives lived on Great Plains. After they obtained the Spanish Equus caballus they took up an alone progress dependent on portable chasing of the American buffalo ( gave supplement. vesture. cover. utilized everything ) . Despite the fact that the Plains Indians overall existed in people of 1000s individuals. they lived in littler arrangements of a few hundred. These sets acted freely. doing it hard for the U. S. govt. Comanche overwhelmed the Plains using Equus caballuss and power. Clans created savage. prepared warriors. Inside Plains’ human progress. work powers and grown-up females existed in similar correspondence. Men chased and did ceremonials. grown-up females did children and craftsmanship and the vast majority of everyday life material and accountable for possessions. â€Å"As Long as Waters Run†: Searching for an Indian PolicyEarlier in the century. the Great Plains. known as the Great American Desert. was considered by the United States specialists as unserviceable for White people and was given to the Native Americans as â€Å"one huge save. †But with the find of gold in the West. the government specialists started an arrangement of focus. diminishing people to explicit. constrained stores. which endured simply a couple of mature ages. Clashes N. A. wouldn't stay on appointed grounds. pioneers went into Indian grounds. also, in this way N. A. were pushed out of KA and NB. Craving harmony in 1864. Boss Black Kettle drove his followings to bivouac at Sand Creek ( CO ) where they were slaughtered by Chivingston’s saves. which caused dissents in the East. Extraordinary Sioux War-gov’t was to build Bozeman Trail for diggers however Red Cloud assaulted b/cus it was Sioux runing confirmations and cleared out Fettermanâ₠¬â„¢s 82 troopers. In the East. they needed harmony/altruistically humanize N. A. in any case, westerners called for control and punishment. Harmony Commission made to stop Sioux War ; little saves approach ( figure out how to cultivate. acculturate ) . N. A. sent north to Black Hills. South into OK. to be directed by gov’t. Finishing up Battles on the Plains From 1867 to 1890. the government specialists battled a figure of people in brutal military runs b/cus N. A. loathed the down and out stores and decried settlements. South. Kiowa and Camanche rampaged in TX Panhandle until U. S ground powers crushed them in Red River War ; North. battle from Black Hills Gold flurry in 1875-Custer’s Last Stand. Urgent N. A. gone to Ghost moves thought to do Whites travel and terrains return. seventh Cavalry killed Chief Bigfoot’s Ghost Dancers/guiltless set in the Wounded Knee Massacre. The End of Tribal Life During the 1870s and 1880s. Congress started another strategy to try to stop innate approval. transform Native Americans into husbandmans ( sucked at ) . furthermore, â€Å"educate†their children to be increasingly similar to Whites. The Dawes Act of 1887 constrained Native Americans to populate on single mystery plans of land ( 160 sections of land/family ) and permitted 90 million homes of Indian grounds to be offered to White settlers for N. A. school bolster Citizenship allowed to the individuals who acclimatized and acknowledged land. Pilgrims endeavored to execute off the American buffalo to throb inborn life. By 1900. there were only 250. 000 Native Americans included in the nose check. down from around 5,000,000 out of 1492. also, the majority of them experienced most extreme need and the occupations related with it. SETTLEMENT OF THE WEST From 1870-1900. White people. alongside certain Blacks. Hispanics. furthermore, Asians. settled 430million homes of the West looking for caper. or on the other hand profound opportunity. as in the example of the Mormons. furthermore, better wellbeing and monetary possibility. People on the Overland Trail Somebody half million pioneers rushed toward the West. especially California and Oregon. in the three decennaries after the Gold Rush of 1849. Venturing to every part of the Overland Trail. work powers and grown-up females found the excursion both backbreaking and dangerous yet a family unit matter. It began in May. the first leg finished at Fort Kearney. NB. Explorers were depleted by late evening. Womans went to more â€Å"indecent clothes†. there was habitually rubbish along the path and in whole the excursion took a half year. Land for the Taking Government strategy. get bringing down with the Homestead Act of 1862. given free or modest land to single pioneers ( 600k family units ) . land theorists. furthermore, private organizations like railwaies. Be that as it may. scarcely any husbandmans had the cash to travel. The Timber Culture Act endeavored to set to Homestead Act by leting cases to another 160 homes if trees were planted in it in multi year. This demonstration circulated 10 million homes. Desert Land Act-gave 640 homes in waterless territories $ 1. 25/section of land in they watered part of it ; prompted set down misrepresentation. Timber and Stone Act applied to lands for development. Water was a main issue in West. National Reclamation Acts ( Newlands Act ) put aside $ from land net incomes for water system endeavors. Railways turned into the West’s biggest landholders. Frequently. corrupt examiners and organizations exploited these specialists land plans. Regional Government The new areas of the West identified with the government specialists much like settlements Start w/NW Ordinance of 1789 ; Judgess and representative delegated for each region ; Congress had total force and these regions required the Fed Gov’t for being. The Spanish-speaking SouthwestThe Spanish-Mexican legacy of the Southwest affected Americans in the West-made model for land and H2O ; Contests over land was Mexico’s biggest industry ; work powers headed family units and financial framework however grown-up females other than appreciated more monetary rights than American inverse numbers ( wedded womans had half possessions in marriage ) ; Roman Catholic ; Spanish discourse creation. The Bonanza WestPursuits for expedient overall gains prompted blast and-bust rhythms in the western financial framework. indolent assets. what's more, lopsided developing. The Mining BonanzaThe CA Gold Rush of 1849 started the uncovering thunder and homesteaders moved west trusting to become super wealthy. using the placer exhuming procedure ( washpan. and so forth ) . Enterprises moved in to dig the profound shafts. utilizing numerous nonnative diggers. who confronted hostility and preference. Enormous work stoppages like the Comstock Lode in CO ( most extravagant find ever. $ 306million. Mackay most extravagant grown-up male ) and operating at a profit Hills ( begins Sioux War ) added 1000000s of dollars to the monetary framework. in any case, by the 1890s the unearthing bonanza was finished. They manufactured rushed and much of the time vaporous networks ( Deadwood-generally uncivilized. Headstone. AZ ) . Mining Camps were administered by straightforward majority rule government and guidelines settled on by the excavators. In these cantonments. more work powers than grown-up females. tonss of cocottes. about half remote conceived ( Mexicans and Chin ese ) . Outsiders confronted segregation Foreigner Miner’s Tax. open violences against Chinese. Chinese Exclusion Act. Mining impacts-financed Civil War. Statehoods of NV. ID. MO. furthermore, conceal towns. Gold from the Roots Up: The Cattle BonanzaBetween 1865 and 1885. huge overall gains other than were feasible for the steers farmers who munched their groups on the prairie grasses and utilized cowpunchers. to a great extent Black or Hispanic. to drive them to the railheads ( McCoy was first to move steers by means of train ) . Like Miners. Cattlemen lived outside the law and cowss procedures originated from Mexicans. By 1880. 6 million cowss had been headed to northern markets. be that as it may, the constitution of spreads with gnawing wire and the development of new engineerings like the refrigerated railroad auto finished the chance of and require for incredible pushes. Ranchers on the Plains: The Farming BonanzaLike the diggers and dairy animals keeps an eye on. 1000000s of husbandmans moved onto the Great Plains looking for financial possibility each piece great. A considerable lot of these homesteaders were Blacks. otherwise known as Exodusters. flying enslavement in the South. White or Black. Fields husbandmans experienced misfortunes. counting a lack of H2O. inconsistent timber for spots and fencings. devastatingly sweltering summer air flows. grasshoppers and savage winter storms. Houses were made of turf blocks and neighbors were inaccessible. New Farming MethodsSeveral of import developments. innovations. made cultivating on the treeless. semiarid Plains conceivable and beneficial. Dry agribusiness ( eased back vaporization to help with inadequacy of precipitation ) . new and sturdy workss. also, new apparatus ( Chilled Iron Plow. grain drill. baling importance. book-How Crops Grow ) . The Hatch Act ( upheld agric. Examinations ) . were among the developments that facilita
Sunday, June 14, 2020
5 Advantages of Critical Thinking
How often do you hear the phrase, â€Å"Come down to earth and think critically†? Probably, it is common to hear from parents, teachers, professors and other adults who have already seen the world and can say that the process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea without allowing feelings or opinions to affect you is the best way to deal with this world. But is it always true? This article is aimed at giving the reasonable answer to this questions providing you with both advantages of critical thinking and its disadvantages. Be sure you’ll find the golden mean of how to use critical thinking skills in everyday life. Go on reading this article to the end! One Side of the Coin: 5 Advantages of Critical Thinking Critical thinking involves many useful abilities: The ability to think clearly and rationally; The ability to analyze information objectively; The ability to understand the logical connection between ideas; The ability to make reasoned judgments, etc. Let’s find out why these abilities are considered to be useful. 1. You Are Able to Evaluate Issues without Bias Most people approach issues in a different way someone relies on his/her beliefs, experiences, emotions or someone else’s opinions. All that influences how you deal with one or another issue, especially it concerns such controversial topics as abortion, capital punishment, animal testing or immigration. There are a lot of questions to be answered with reference to solid evidence. And what can help you gather it? Right, it’s critical thinking that helps you gather and assess relevant information to interpret it effectively for well-reasoned conclusions and solutions. 2. You Can Foresee How Things Will Turn out Will-power, knowledge, skills, motivation, knowing the right people, being at the right time and in the right place is all that makes a person succeed in the modern world. And yet, there is one more point that allows achieving success it is the ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future. How is it possible? You learn the current issues in an objective and critical way understanding the logical links between ideas and arguments. For example, Heather A. Butler with her colleagues, Christopher Pentoney, Mabelle P. Bong conducted research among 244 participants to explore the contribution of critical thinking and intelligence to the prediction of real-world outcomes. As a result, critical thinking is considered to be a better predictor of real-world outcomes than intelligence. So start to develop your critical thinking skills right now to know what will occur to various important fields economics, business, marketing and sales, etc. 3. You Communicate with Others Sharing Your Ideas Effectively After you evaluate an issue and predict all possible outcomes, it is important to get out a message to the target audience be it your chief, colleagues or professors. As a rule, critical thinking detaches all our emotions from expressing an idea in public. You just take a practical view of the situation at hand how to solve a problem in mutual collaboration with colleagues or other people. At the same time, open mind for a different view that you can also perceive with the help of the ability to recognize valid logic. 4. You Are Trusted to Figure Out Solutions to Complex Problems When a person is able to identify, analyze problems and even predict and solve them systematically rather than by intuition or instinct, it is particularly valuable. You still have to hope for the best once you’ll be trusted to perform complex tasks in a company, for example. It means that the career promotion is guaranteed to you in this case. Additionally, it will influence your life in general. Yes, it is a great responsibility to solve complex problems. But just imagine how many difficult questions could be answered if you applied your critical thinking skills in practice. 5. You Are Highly Appreciated by Employers You have been already explained the perspectives in a professional career when critical thinking is one of your strengths. What do usually students do when graduating from a college or university? â€Å"Where to find a job of my dream?†is a common question for graduates. That’s why if you want to succeed in a job search quickly, start succeeding in critical thinking. Be sure most doors of top business companies will be open to you if an HR specialist notices your good critical thinking skills in resumes, cover letters, or during job interviews. Most companies call for job applicants that are critical thinkers, communicative, collaborative, and creative. It means that besides being equipped with good reading, writing, and arithmetic skills, don’t neglect four specific skills that are known as the â€Å"Four Cs†critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. The Flip Side to the Coin: 5 Disadvantages of Critical Thinking In some cases, critical thinking is deemed as important as breathing. Like in an interview or maybe when you are taking a test, but not always. When you were asked in childhood, â€Å"What would you like to be?†and you might automatically reply, â€Å"I want to be a journalist when I grow up.†or â€Å"I dream to become an artist.†But then you really did grow up and all the innocence and positive outlook were destroyed when the realities and practicalities of life came crashing down on you. Critical thinking is the killer of dreams. One minute you will be dreaming about being the greatest artist of all times, and when you start to analyze it critically, you will notice the huge, gaping holes in that plan of yours. You will start to have second thoughts and will be confronted with countless dilemmas. Will you have to move to another city for that? Do you have an aptitude for becoming an artist? Are you competitive enough? The list goes on and on. You might be proud of your ability to think critically at every turn, but here are some ways it can be more harmful than you think. 1. Your Peers’ Jokes Are Not Funny Anymore Hanging out with your friends can be a surreal experience. But when you analyze everything, their jokes suddenly don’t make any sense to you and neither are they funny anymore. How many times have you rolled your eyes at them because whenever you hear one of their repetitive jokes, you automatically think â€Å"amateur hour!†and when they expect you to laugh, you’re simply frowning. 2. You Think about Gender Equality too Much When your girlfriend/boyfriend is gushing about that awesome invite you got to an upcoming party and you think about gender equality. A little bit different ideas, don’t you think? 3. You Feel Shame When Your Group Mates Speak And when they are unable to communicate their ideas in a decent and intellectual way, like you would have done, you feel sorry for your group mates and secretly feel ashamed that you are thinking about them that way and you are like. 4. You Are Alone with Your Books Not only you like books that your friends would totally hate, but you can’t discuss the finer points in the plot with them, because they are probably going to think you have gone crazy. And they look at you like 5. Your Only Adequate Companion Is You It is hard to admit but you can speak on truly interesting matters only with †¦ yourself. Who can talk about the biocultural approach to climate change? Who knows why it is important to support solar energy? Who defends Severus Snape because he did everything to save Harry? Right, only you. Well, all in all, critical thinking has its uses and, in some cases, it is quite beneficial (think about Sherlock Holmes, guys!). But most times it’s going to leach the fun out of everything and exasperate your friends around you. Remember the words of Dr. Richard Paul: â€Å"Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while youre thinking in order to make your thinking better.†and improve the way you think today!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay about The Psychological Effects of Adoption
â€Å"James and Martha Brown went to Mrs. White’s office the next day and found waiting for them a bouncing baby girl with soft brown eyes and a happy smile. Right away they said, ‘We love this baby already’†(Wasson). As is stated in the classic children’s book, The Chosen Baby, this story serves as a common introductory tool that some adoptive families use to explain to their children the way their family was created. The Chosen Baby shares the absolute joy that parents experience when adopting a child and effectively helps children better understand their family dynamics. Adoptive families are unique in that they choose their children, creating a loving foundation for a nurturing home. Although a â€Å"chosen family†would appear to be†¦show more content†¦Unfulfilled basic needs create a violation to a child’s belief system. Often times, adopted children experience voided space inside as well as an unfathomable sense of disarray (Eldridge, 62). Carla Duncan, a 1968 adoptee, recently expressed in a personal interview her mixed emotions: â€Å"Being adopted is like a double-edge sword in that on one side, I have always felt very special to say, ‘I am adopted’, because I was chosen and hand-picked. On the other hand, however, I feel different because I am adopted. In order to be chosen, I had to realize that someone also rejected me. Someone did not want me. Sometimes I would look for long periods of time at myself in the mirror, wondering who it was that I was really seeing. This feeling grew with great intensity as I became a teenager and felt that no one really understood me.†Duncan, as is proven typical of other adoptees, has also experienced the common need to express her adoption story, only to be let down at the un-interest of peers. Misunderstanding often exists as a residual psychological effect among adoptees (Eldridge, 91). With good intentions, adoptive parents and other influential people may unknowingly contribute to the adoptee’s mixed emotions. Indeed, simple words and statements have the ability to negatively cut to the heart, tearing down emotions. A common misconception often used to encourage a chosen child mayShow MoreRelatedAbortion : The Deliberate Termination Of A Human Pregnancy937 Words  | 4 PagesUnited States Constitution and it violated the first, fourth, ninth, and fourteenth amendments, which all discuss privacy ( No country should recognize abortion as a legal act because it is murder, medically dangerous, leaves psychological scars, and adoption is an alternative. There is a type of procedure for abortion. 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Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another, usually a child, and or animal from that person s biological or legal parent or parents, and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities, along with filiations, from the biological parent or parents. Unlike guardianship or other systems designed for the care of the young, adoption is intended to effect a permanent change in status and as such requiresRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Essay1443 Words  | 6 PagesBibliography Stone, A.. Both sides on gay adoption cite concern for children. Usa today. Gannett Co. Inc., 2006. Web. 18 Apr 2012 The article is about a couple who is gay having to move in order for both gay parents to get custody of the adopted child. It talks about the statistics of foster care and the number of kids being adopted right now. The numbers are very low and even for gays, its extremely low. It also states that gays are some good candidates for adoption but not being bias towards either side
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Right Violations. Around The World The Thirty Different
Human Right Violations Around the world the thirty different rights that are provided to every human being are being violated. The countries that are very notable to their human rights violations are Germany, Israel, Gambia, Kenya, Russia, Syria, and more. A solution that has been put to stop human rights violations are sanctions against countries, however these sanctions cost money and some countries do not have money therefore not all sanctions can be made. How can we the United States bring about solutions to human rights violations? In Chile during the period of 1973-78, thousands of citizens were hunted, detained, and tortured for their participation in Popular Unity or its constituent social movements. â€Å"Human Right violations††¦show more content†¦Damage to the victims of the Chilean crimes is irreparable, however can be prevented by laws that place within the country. Compared to Chile the number of undocumented or unauthorized migrants in the United States has hovered between 11 and 12 million in the past decade, despite the fortification of the United States Mexico border (Lykes and Hershberg 2). A human right violation that occurred in 2012 was the all-time high of deportations with more than 400,000 migrants removed from the united states that year (Massey, 2013). This violated the migrants right â€Å"Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.†The United States not only violated human rights from deportation but from also detention facilities. â€Å"No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.†Despite what the universal declaration of human rights says here in the united states are being held in detention facilities across the country. In 2009 the United States (ICE) held between 380,000 and 442,000 people in about 300 U.S. detention facilities costing $1.4 billion dollars (Olga Velez 1). Looking back in history a major shift in the United States immigration policy came around the time of the great depression. The policy switched from allowing temporary labor, immigration for the purpose of the work of its firstShow MoreRelatedHuman Rights Violations: Honor Killings1621 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Rights Violations: Honor Killings The issue of human rights is an issue of unparalleled significance in all countries of the world. Though this issue has not always been called by this name throughout the course of human history, it has persisted as a critical issue nonetheless for as long as there has been injustice and destructive power dynamics within a society, which unfortunately, has been the tradition for as long as humanity has existed. 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Electronics Lands Management System-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Case of AlAin Municipality. Answer: The report details about the case of AlAin Municipality (AAM) which released the plan of the ELMS management system for the process of automation of the lands and the properties. It also worked on the manual processing as well as the electronic processing. The electronic system has been effective for the customer satisfaction where there is easy processing of the transactions as well. (Iyengar et al, 2015). The concept of management information system is based on providing the right kind of information that is required to manage the company in an effective manner. With this, the AAM will also be able to work on the easy scanning of the customer documents which will decrease the time of checking the customer files. The electronic approval authority also tends to reduce the customer time with the ability to track the flow of work for the approval. The standards are set to record the information of the customer, electronically. (Laudon Laudon, 2016). MIS will be able to work on handling the information sharing by easy authorization and e-archiving to file the documents as well. The reduced usage of paper with the reduced number of staff will be helpful for the outsourcing company as well. The AAM with MIS has been able to work over the reengineering of the services with revaluation of the staff and KPI which depends on the transactions that proceeds depending upon the reports and statistics. The system of MIS can be utilized to change the data into information used for the decision making (Wu et al, 2015). The system (ELMs) provides an extra element of safety in the system. As per the analysis, there are reduced complaints of the customer, where the manager works on the evaluation of the performance. The organisation need to work over the training of the employees with updating all the data in the documents, with reduced staff. Here, the updates are depending upon the documents which depend on the information of the customer. The documents are mainly related to the ownership of the land and so there is a need of a proper approval. This will help in easily updating and keeping a proper record of the people in the computer with improved accuracy as well. The project also has a possibility to allow the MIS systems to check the errors before they are allowed at the customer level. (Al-Mamary et al, 2013). The disadvantages are related to the update of the information where the customer is immigrated to the previous database where the information could be wrong in the previous case. Hence, there is a possibility of the duplicity of the data as well. Hence, there is a delay in the system upgrade which leads to the change in the rules and the regulations as well, where the inflexibility in the system could lead to the different complications and the errors. There are delay responding to the errors as well. In addition to teaching one must learn the system work process as per the needs (Al-Mamary et al, 2013). MIS is highly distinct from the normal information system and used to evaluate other IS that are applied in various operational level function in the company. MIS is actually a more planned system of different collection, storage, processing as well as dissemination of data in the kind of information which is required to carry the management operations (Stair Reynolds, 2013). ELMS can work over the low ability using technology for the employees and work over the improvement of the system structure as well. To gain success in long run, the MIS system which is designed for companies, management and other technical factors. For ELMS, there is a possibility to work on creating the team with updating the customer files. This will help in improving the accuracy of the system as well. Along with this, there is a need to work on properly educating the employees and helping them to learn on the system. The study must motivate the company to be part of increasing the MIS and make an effective contribution in the system level design (Chang Lin, 2015). To get an ideal flow of data which is right for MIS is highly in demand right now. Therefore, it is crucial to have a clarity on MIS which is followed in a company at every level of management to take right decisions. A MIS also collects as well as process information and helps in providing the assistance in decision making, execution, planning and control (Chang Lin, 2015). References Al-Mamary, Y. H., Shamsuddin, A., Abdul Hamid, N. A. (2013). The impact of management information systems adoption in managerial decision making: A review.Management Information Systems,8(4), 010-017. Iyengar, K., Sweeney, J. R., Montealegre, R. (2015). Information technology use as a learning mechanism: The impact of IT use on knowledge transfer effectiveness, absorptive capacity, and franchisee performance.Mis Quarterly,39(3). Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. (2016).Management information system. Pearson Education India. Stair, R., Reynolds, G. (2013).Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning. Chang, C. L. H., Lin, T. C. (2015). The role of organizational culture in the knowledge management process.Journal of Knowledge management,19(3), 433-455. Wu, S. P. J., Straub, D. W., Liang, T. P. (2015). How information technology governance mechanisms and strategic alignment influence organizational performance: Insights from a matched survey of business and it managers.Mis Quarterly,39(2), 497-518.
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